Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tour of the Depot

I had another fantastic stage race - finishing 5th in the GC.  I took 6th in the TT - I little disappointing - but were were all withing seconds of each other.  I didn't use my TT bike and should have - I thought the hills were worse than they were and the TT bike would have been the best option.  I took 5th in the Road Race - getting in with the break away and being able to work with the ladies to finish strong.  It was awesome to be able to stick with them up the hill and get away.  And came in 6th in the Circuit today, just hanging with the pack.  I did get a 2 minute penalty for not checking in for the Road Race - sometimes lessons are learned the hard way.  I was still able to get that 5th GC though.

I am for sure getting stronger - now I just need to lose those 6 extra lbs and I will be there!  I am so excited to see how the season progresses.  I am legit now though - I got paid to ride my bike this weekend!  Gotta love prize money.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tour Del Sol

Tour Del Sol was a great race - my TT was awesome!  I borrowed a TT bike the day before I raced and got about 45 minutes to ride it the night before.  I killed the TT - I took 1st in Cat 3 and 5th overall.  I can't wait to get my own TT bike and be able to start training a little more specifically for TT's.  This could end up being a really great thing for me. 

Unfortunately my 2 teammates went down in the crit and were not able to ride the road race with me.  I ended up finishing 8th overall in the GC - not too bad.  I did finish 3rd GC in Cat 3 so I can't complain about that too much.  I gotta continue to work on my climbing and attacks - I will get there though. 

Start of a great season.