Thursday, September 29, 2011


Wahoo!  I upgraded to CAT 3.  This is such a great accomplishment for me.  My first year racing and I upgraded.  I hope to be able to continue on this great adventure.  Next my goal is to upgrade to CAT 2. 

I had my first race with the Pro CAT 1, 2, 3's last Saturday, September 24 - the Harvest Moon Crit.  I don't love crits, mostly because I have not had a lot of experience with them - I have only raced 6 crits this year.  This was my first race with Pro's and my least favorite type of race - I was SO nervous!  My goal was to finish the race and not get lapped... I did even better then that!  I had such a great finish, I was able to stay with the peloton and finish with them!  I finished strong and stayed with the group the entire time - never got dropped!  It was a wonderful day - being able to race with some of the best women racers out there and finish only seconds behind them.  This is going to be a great season as CAT 3!

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Well I survived!  I even did well, I had a fantastic time.  Time 10:41:26

This is me and my teammate Amber at the finish - how great do we look after 206 miles?  We have thought about next year - and are not sure if we will do a relay - or if we will ride it solo again to get an even better time and finish.  Those relay teams were having so much fun - getting to stop at the Feed Zones and have a picnic.  We will see - we may want to do a team relay and just try for the fastest relay time.

Monday, September 5, 2011


The count down starts - we are just days away now.  I have to admit I am starting to get a little nervous.  I need to remember to eat and drink a lot.  Will my body start to refuse what I am trying to feed it?  Gotta pace myself - 206 miles is a LONG way.  Will I be able to nail the hills and stay with the group?  Will the feed zones go smooth?  I pray for no flats.  So much to think about.

I want to do very well and finish in under 10 hours.  I feel like my training has been great, I think I should be ready.  So I just hope that all goes smooth and I am able to stay strong.

Sanpete Classic

Well I am now convinced I am cursed with 2nd place.  I landed another 2nd in the Sanpete Classic.  I thought I had this one - but I started my sprint to the finish just a little too soon and just couldn't hold it.  Now I have the strength and abilities - I just have to work on the tactics of racing.  I am learning though.